Register Your School's Interest in the NSW Space Discovery Program

In the lead up to 76th International Astronautical Congress: IAC-2025 Sydney, The Andy Thomas Space Foundation and Makers Empire are joining forces to deliver an engaging education program for 32 NSW schools. The program is supported by the NSW Government via the NSW Department of Enterprise, Investment and Trade.

The International Astronautical Congress is the world’s biggest space congress and typically attracts more than 6000 participants from the global space community, including governments, industry, science and academia.

The NSW Space Discovery program is modelled on Andy Thomas Space Foundation’s successful Kids in Space program, and will be delivered to 32 NSW school during 2024/2025: 16 schools will take part during terms 3 & 4 2024, and a further 16 schools will take part during terms 1 & 2, 2025.  


What is the NSW Space Discovery Program?

The NSW Space Discovery program is a sponsored space education program for 32 NSW schools designed to engage students in STEM learning and promote awareness of opportunities in the space industry. It offers exciting industry links and real-world learning opportunities.  

“IAC 2025 will create opportunities for Australian industry – both those already operating in space and those with the potential to contribute,”
Enrico Palermo, Head, Australian Space Agency

What do Schools Receive?

Selected schools will receive a package worth approximately $6,499 including:
  • 2+ teachers will participate in the Makers Empire Learning By Design program with guest speakers from the space industry.
  • 1 x 12 months Makers Empire School Subscription (3D design software, teacher dashboard, 130 curriculum-aligned lesson plans, built-in assessment, online professional development (PD), ongoing support, updates and maintenance).
  • 1 x brand-new space-themed challenge course
  • 1 x 3D printer, training, support and 3 rolls of PLA filament.
  • Hospitality for PD days and Showcase Day in NSW.

What Do Schools Commit To?

  • Provide release for 2.5 days for 2-5 participating classroom teachers (not IT technicians or non-teaching staff).
  • Support capacity building of teachers through facilitation of ‘flow-on’ professional learning at their sites.
  • Attend 2 face-to-face professional learning days (2 days of PD) in your state or territory.
  • Attend, with nominated students, the Showcase Day (1/2 day) in your state or territory.
  • Participate in professional learning communities.
  • Design, trial and document a learning plan that uses 3D modelling and design based on learning design principles and the Australian Curriculum. Learning plan to be based around space and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Participate in data collection and share their experiences with others

What Did Teachers Say About Kids in Space

What are the Important Dates?

For both cohorts
  • November 2023: expressions of interest open
  • 28 February 2024: expressions of interest close
Term 3-4, 2024 cohort:
  • March 2024: successful schools are notified  
  • July 2024: 3D printers shipped out to schools / Professional development days for teachers
  • November 2024: Showcase day 
Term 1-2, 2025 cohort:
  • November 2024: successful schools are notified  
  • February 2025: 3D printers shipped out to schools / Professional development days for teachers 
  • June 2025: Showcase day 

Frequently Asked Questions

We can accommodate 2-5 teachers per school (more by negotiation) for the professional development days. We can accommodate unlimited classes and students in a school to do the Kids in Space program. We can accommodate 4-6 students per class and an accompanying teacher for the showcase days. 

The Kids in Space program has been designed for grades 3-8 students. If you would like to do Kids in Space with other grade levels please email us at with the subject ‘Kids in Space grade inquiry’ and we will see what we can do. 

Yes, absolutely! If your school is chosen for Kids in Space, you will receive all of the benefits on top of your existing Makers Empire subscription: your Makers Empire subscription will simply be extended for another year.

Sure! We have had many smaller, regional and area schools participate in our programs before. We encourage all interested schools to apply. 

Expressions of interest close 31 March 2024 for the NSW Space Discovery program.

Keen to increase your chances of being part of an upcoming program? We deliver a range of sponsored education programs for industry partners. Learn more and register your interest.

Please use your school email
This helps us plan locations for our PD and showcase days in NSW
This is for administration purposes only and does not affect the school selection process.