The world in the Makers Empire 3D design app has long included a section called the Daily Challenge, which houses daily design challenges for students to complete in the classroom or at home.

Now, Makers Empire has redesigned the Daily Challenge section of the Makers Empire app so that each of the 365 daily design challenges in the Makers Empire app are linked to specific days in the calendar year.
How Teachers Can Use Daily Challenges
With the new and improved Daily Challenges, you can now set your students challenges related to international holidays, iconic celebrations and noteworthy trailblazers, as well as challenges designed to stretch students’ problem solving skills in specific subjects across the curriculum.
To accompany this revamped app section, Makers Empire has also created a searchable Daily Challenge Library for Teachers with additional information about the daily challenges so you can plan your lessons and term schedules with daily challenges in mind.
Challenges are organised into months but you can also search for challenges to suit specific lesson ideas or projects that you wish to study by using the search tool.
You can also download the entire year of design challenges to print out and keep.
We hope you enjoy these new timely daily design challenges and look forward to hearing how you are using them i the classroom, remote or hybrid learning. Don’t forget to tag us on social media when sharing your learning!