Meet a Maker: Student Sebastian Krol is an Awesome 3D Designer

We’re happy to announce another Makers Empire legend: 8YO Sebastian Krol from St Michael’s College in Australia. This student ambassador program celebrates innovative and inspiring K-8 students who are using Makers Empire in engaging and creative ways. Sebastian was nominated for the Makers Empire Legends program by his Visual Arts Teacher, Kate Tyrwhitt. She says, “Sebastian is like an engineer in his thinking and designing and is very enthusiastic and verbal about his ideas.” Congratulations, Sebastian!

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What do you like about Makers Empire 3D?

I like it because you can 3D print things and make things you canโ€™t buy in the shops.

Do you use Makers Empire at school, at home, or both?

Both school and home. In Art, (I’ve made) Wall-E for wipe out waste lessons and garden herb labels, toy designs, Victorian houses and many more.

At home, I like making missions for people to do.

Name three favourite designs that you created using Makers Empire 3D:

  1. Chicken coop, because it looks just like the one we have at school.
  2. Computer laptop with the Makers Empire logo on the screen
  3. Designer home with solar panels on the roof – lots of people liked it at the portfolio conference evening.

Name two Makers Empire designers who inspire you.

  1. AngusCO with his My PS4/Fortnite
  2. KateTY, with her fidget spinner because I like the parts she uses.

Do you have any suggestions for new app features?

Maybe more games like a water slide tube game. Some bingo games variations or maybe a bow and arrow game.

What advice would you give to kids just starting out with Makers Empire?

Let your imagination go wild!

Thanks for chatting with us, Sebastian. Congrats again on being a Makers Empire legend – we can’t wait to see what you make next!

Are you a teacher using Makers Empire at school? Do you have a student who is doing exceptional work with Makers Empire? Nominate her or him for the Makers Empire Legends program today.

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