Mandi Dimitriadis | Director of Learning | Speaker and Thought Leader

“I am privileged to meet many teachers and young people in my role at Makers Empire. I never get tired of the excitement I feel when I see a student’s face light up with the self-belief that they can solve problems and make a difference. Our young people have enormous creative potential to make the world a safer, kinder, fairer and healthier place and when I see this in action I know we are heading in the right direction,”Mandi Dimitriadis, Director of Learning - Makers Empire

Design Thinking and Future Skills Expert

Mandi Dimitriadis, Director of Learning at Makers Empire, is a highly respected educator and speaker who works internationally with schools to help teachers develop Design Thinking, embrace maker pedagogy and cover Design & Technology Curriculum.

She is a dynamic speaker, presenter, trainer and facilitator of preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs and is considered an international specialist on Design Thinking and the use of 3D Design and 3D Printing in Education.

She has successfully led large-scale projects for Makers Empire implementing 3D technology and Makers Empire to groups of 200+ schools in Australia, the USA and the Middle East.



  • Founding Director of Learning at Makers Empire
  • Thought Leader specialising in Design Thinking, Maker pedagogy and Covering Design & Technology Curriculum.
  • Winner in the Winnovation 2019 Awards
  • Finalist in the Winnovation 2018 Awards
  • Expertise in creating curriculum, professional development, training and teacher resources.
  • Works with schools in Australia, the USA and Europe.
  • Provides an entertaining, interesting and convincing argument that โ€œstudents should be taught Design Thinking skills in schoolโ€ that can be specifically tailored to the client and audience.
  • Mandi was quoted extensively in 3D Printing – An Introduction, a 350-page book by S & J Torta published in early 2019 by Mercury Publishing and available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.


  • How to prepare our students/children for jobs that donโ€™t exist yet
  • Why every child should be taught Design Thinking skills
  • How Design Thinking skills help build resilience in children
  • Encouraging more girls in STEM via 3D design and printing
  • The role of schools in teaching Design Thinking
  • Maker pedagogy and its importance for todayโ€™s students

Browse some of Mandi’s thought leadership articles:


Mandi is an experienced educator who has taught in schools around South Australia (SA) in many different roles including primary years, preschool and special education. Previously, she managed education programs at the SA Maritime Museum and held various curriculum and pedagogy roles within the Department for Education, SA.

In her role at Makers Empire, Mandi leads teacher professional development and education programs and materials and facilitates state-wide implementation projects.

Mandi is passionate about helping young people develop skills and dispositions that will help them to thrive, survive and drive innovation in the 21st Century. Mandi is currently focussed on the development of creative problem solving and design skills using 3D modelling software and 3D printing.

Mandi is currently leading a Makers Empire research partnership with Macquarie University, investigating the impact that maker pedagogy and design thinking have on student learning and teacher practice.


“Wow! This session was mind-blowing. Mandi is a great speaker and made a lot of sense. I was able to make many connections to the curriculum and STEAM. Mandi shared her practical ideas and I will be able to transfer some of this in my programming.”

“Inspirational. I’ve already told a colleague about this and I’m really keen to l see if we could run it in our school.”

“…wonderful day. I heard a few teachers talking about this being the best professional learning day they have done in their careers! Great job, we are planning to share with the Governing Council and run a parent information night to follow this up.”