At Makers Empire, we’re constantly amazed by the astonishing designs primary, elementary and middle schools students can create with our easy to use but powerful 3D design software. In this new series, we’ll be profiling some of our exceptional student designers.
Today we’re happy to be interviewing the talented 14YO designer and aspiring artist behind the Makers Empire account, @ahnmaros, who lives in Singapore. @ahnmaros’s designs caught our attention as they make incredibly detailed designs that span a whole range of different artistic styles and interests. @ahnmaros can spend hours on an individual design as they work to achieve the right look, colour, texture and shading. We were astonished to learn that @ahnmaros creates their complicated designs on a mobile phone – this is such an impressive achievement given the limited screen size and the time involved in making their designs.
What do you like about Makers Empire?
I like that in Makers Empire you can create anything from your imagination. I like that also you can share your designs and see other people’s designs too. This allows me to get support and motivation from other people and inspiration too.
How has Makers Empire helped you?
Makers Empire has helped me to be more creative with its easy interface and express myself through sharing designs. Makers Empire has helped me further my artistic skills and helped me understand 3D environments better.
Which designs are you most proud of?
1. SSF4 Juri Han – Playing the video game Super Street Fighters IV inspired me to make this model. I like the form and the shapes I used for this model.”
2. Eye – This is one of my favourites as I like the colours I chose and that it is realistic.
3. Bald Eagle – This is one of my favourites as I felt I have improved a lot with this design. I initially made another bald eagle before this and I was unsatisfied with that. I wanted to learn to how to make a better eagle model so I searched up time-lapses of the making of a 3D model of an eagle to learn the technique on how to make them and also used more references.
Which Makers Empire designers do you admire?
1. Digital Hourglass: I like his more complex designs such as his Fortnite designs. They have good form and good choices of shapes.
2. VikingPrincessJazmine: I like her architecture designs. They are interesting and well-made.
3. Jwrig318: His designs are interesting and well-executed.
Bonus: watch tutorials made by @ahnmaros
@Ahmaros has made a two-part video tutorial of her stunning wolf’s head design for the Makers Empire Video Room in the Training Lab within the Makers Empire 3D design app. Watch her videos in the training room for a step-by-step tutorial showing you exactly how she made this amazing design.