Makers Empire for Administrators

Looking for a 3D solution to help engage your students, improve student performance, cover required Design & Technology curriculum and help prepare students for their future careers? Makers Empire creates innovative solutions that include everything your teachers need to ensure effective and efficient implementation of 3D technology in your school.

Experts in Design Thinking & 3D Technology for Schools

Makers Empire creates market-leading solutions for elementary, primary and middle schools: Makers Empire has delivered 3D technology to groups of 200+ schools in AustraliaAmerica and the Middle East. With Makers Empire, teachers learn how to fully harness the power of 3D design and printing to teach students Design ThinkingSTEAM and 21st-century skills and cover required Design & Technology standards. Students are empowered by an engaging design process to develop a growth mindset and important problem solving, analytical and spatial thinking skills.

“This has been a wonderful new way to teach and motivate my students… They are beginning to see real-life implications to what they learning to do in class and how they could develop prototypes of objects that they could develop and then produce to sell…The overall enthusiasm towards school and learning has increased tremendously… typically reluctant learners have come to life!”
Robin McGinnis, District Gifted Education Presenter
Mt. Healthy City School System, Ohio, USA

Evidence-Based Learning Ensures Classroom Success

Macquarie University partnered with the NSW Department of Education, three Sydney schools and Makers Empire for a 12-month research study examining how maker activities using 3D technology could enhance learning and teaching outcomes. The study showed:

  • Makerspaces can be highly effective at developing children’s creativity, critical thinking, design thinking and digital skills.

  • Students were highly engaged with 3D technology and solving design challenges – it helped boost their confidence and resilience when dealing with setbacks, particularly for less capable students.

  • Teachers became more comfortable with technology and more collaborative and flexible in their teaching.

“…makerspaces is bringing the best pedagogies together, delivering the ultimate teaching and learning experiences for students and teachers… problem solving, thinking critically and creatively and integrating across all KLAs… empowering students to propose solutions, try and refine without the fear of failure… the best example I have seen of collaboration between students (and teachers!).”
Participating Teacher
NSW public school, Australia

Effective and Efficient Implementation for Schools

We know that the most incredible teaching tools are useless if they are not aligned to the curriculum and teaching goals, and if teachers are not provided with the support, training and resources they need to onboard efficiently and effectively. We want your teachers to feel confident and supported as they engage with 3D technology. That’s why Makers Empire’s products for schools include:

  • Easy to use 3D design software, created for K-8 students
  • Professional development for teachers
  • 150+ curriculum aligned lesson plans
  • Class management tools
  • Built-in student assessment
  • Training and ongoing support
  • Optional 3D Printers
“…staff were genuinely impressed… The Makers Empire 3D app exceeded our expectations. The design and creative elements of this software have been carefully designed to engage children while opening up numerous educational opportunities and learning experiences. We loved the Teacher (Dashboard) with its support, ideas and integration of the Australian Curriculum.”
Stephen Corcoran, Director of Digital Learning
St Stephen’s School, WA

Prepare Your Students for Future Jobs

85% of
 the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yetSo how can we best prepare our students? How can we help students become creators, innovators and problem solvers so they can adapt and pivot when necessary? Design Thinking is a way of thinking and working that helps us to define and solve problems. It is a non-linear, iterative and human-centred process that helps us to reframe problems as opportunities. Teaching students Design Thinking helps them develop a growth mindset and important problem solving, analytical and spatial thinking skills.

“…this has been a game changer in the 3D design game for our students of all ages. This is a great design and creation tool that teachers and students can use to be innovative and share ideas with a vibrant community of makers. With Makers Empire, students learn how to identify needs and opportunities and then create, prototype, test and refine designs of solutions using 3D printing.”
Craig Kemp, Head of Educational Technology
Stamford American International School, Singapore

Tweets By Teachers

Try Makers Empire for free!

Start learning 3D design in minutes. Make teaching design and technology fun and effective!