3D Printer Bundles for 3D Printing in Primary Schools project schools

Congratulations on being part of the 2019 DE SA/Makers Empire 3D Printing in Primary Schools project! We’re looking forward to working with you.

We firmly believe you shouldn’t need to be a tech expert to be able to utilise 3D design and printing in the classroom successfully. Our expert support team provides ongoing and timely support whenever you need it so you can get back to doing what you do best – teaching!

While onsite 3D printers are not essential for this project, we find that many schools like having their own 3D printers so students can personally experience every stage of the design cycle, including prototyping. So we’ve put together some great 3D printer bundles for your school to consider.

But first, please watch the short video on the right with an introduction by Mandi Dimitriadis, our Director of Learning.

Makers Empire 3D Printer Bundles

There are many 3D printers on the market but not all are suitable for use in a primary schools.

For example, we recommend 3D printers that are easy-to-use, reliable and enclosed, with air filtration – check out our Guide to Health and Safety and School Printers.

Based on our extensive experience, Makers Empire recommends the following 3D printer bundles for DECD SA schools.

All of our 3D printer bundles come with 3D printer consumables i.e. 3D printing filament, hardware training for teachers and ongoing hardware support.

Wanting to learn more about specific printers we recommend for schools? See our Guide to the Best 3D Printers for Your School 2018.

Makers Empire 3D Printer Bundles

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Inventor IIs review | Inventor IIs tech specs

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Dremel 3D45 review

How South Australian schools are using 3D printing

How Birdwood Primary School students solved a sticky, real world problem with design thinking and 3D printing
Wondering how to use 3D printing to teach STEM subjects, design thinking and 21st century skills? Be inspired by this interview with Bianca Laister, the Deputy Principal and Student Wellbeing Coordinator at Birdwood Primary School. For a recent project, students invented a device to help solve a real-world problem Bianca was experiencing as she prepared jam for their annual school fair. Read full case study.

How students learned design thinking and persistence by inventing superhero gadgets for the Powerful Learner
Not sure how to engage younger students while using 3D printing to achieve curriculum requirements? Be inspired by Abbie Krieg, a Year 3/4 Teacher at Snowtown Primary School. Abbie teamed up with her school principal to create a fantastic project where students had to create original superhero gadgets for a visiting Powerful Learner. Read full case study.

How Huntfield Heights students solve pollution issues in their local community with 3D printing
Teacher Aaron Vigor from Huntfield Heights found a a great way to get his students interested in solving a real-world problem. His project, Keeping Our Community Clean, involved the students researching different pollution problems in their local area, brainstorming different things that could help, and then drawing, designing and prototyping a solution. Read full case study.

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