Learn and Play at Home: 10 Makers Empire Games For Students To Play with a Friend or Sibling
With another new school year or term beginning, and many schools re…
With another new school year or term beginning, and many schools re…
Every family knows that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to p…
I recently wrote about the challenges teachers, students, and paren…
Remote learning. Distance Learning. Hybrid Learning. Home Learning …
2020 and 2021 have thrown lots of challenges at us all and made us …
I’ve recently been thinking about a young boy I taught in a Grade t…
There is a lot of talk about the negative impact the COVID-19 crisi…
The coronavirus continues to cause worldwide, unprecedented disrupt…
We are all navigating unchartered territory as we learn to cope wit…
The coronavirus has caused worldwide, unprecedented disruption. Wit…
There is a lot of talk about the impact that COVID-19 is having and…
To support teachers, students and families currently experiencing s…
As the devastating impact of the Coronavirus pandemic is felt throu…
A short while ago we updated Teacher Missions to make it super easy…
To the worldwide Makers Empire community, At Makers Empire, we̵…
We’ve seen a recent surge of activity around the world as health au…
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