We understand that choosing a 3D printer for your primary, elementary or middle school can be a difficult decision. While many will be great for high school students or a hobbyist, some are less suited for regular use in a primary, elementary or middle school classroom, Makerspace or library environment.
At Makers Empire, we’ve helped teachers in Australia, America, Europe and Asia integrate 3D printing and design into the classroom so we understand what works and what doesn’t. From our conversations with teachers, we understand that the most important criteria for schools when choosing a 3D printer are:
- Plug ‘n’ play – that is, ease of use;
- Affordability;
- Durability;
- Safety;
- Air Filters – learn why air filters are important;
- Reliability; and
- Customer support.
Additionally, the ability to print wirelessly or over the Cloud, thereby eliminating the need for USB memory sticks or even being in the same room as the 3D printer, is another useful feature to consider.
To come up with these two lists, we evaluated more than twenty five 3D printers, reviewed teacher feedback and assessed recent reviews from independent sources. The 3D printer market is fast-changing so with this in mind, here are our current list of recommended 3D printers in Australia and America: