Makers Empire is proud to partner with Southeast Collaborative member schools to provide high-quality STEM resources.
Makers Empire is the world’s most fun and easy-to-use 3D Engineering Design program: it is an all-in-one solution for effective planning, teaching and assessment of student work using 3D design and 3D printing.
“I decided to have all students in Kinder-5th grade begin the 3D Modeling curriculum with the Training Lab… Once the Training Lab was completed, we moved on to Challenge Central, starting with Welcome to 3D. I did this with 2nd-5th only for now… Welcome to 3D was a much-needed tutorial for the kids. The ice cream scoop was a lot of fun for the students. I like the way M.E. provides the walk-through to design certain objects using various shapes. It’s a good visual for how to manipulate the shapes to make actual designs. I appreciate that it’s timed so that they improve their speed and accuracy creating the challenge designs. After Welcome to 3D, I switched the Challenge Central curriculum to the appropriate grade-level curriculum. The activities have been appropriately modified, and my 5th graders, coincidentally, are discussing animal adaptations in Science Lab, so it goes in line with our curriculum,”
The Makers Empire 3D design app is the world’s most fun and easy to use 3D design app. We’ve designed it specifically with younger learners in mind, so all students at your elementary and middle school can participate
Our Teacher Dashboard makes it easy to set up your classes, plan, monitor and assess students’ work, and it is great for remote learning.
Our award-winning program is pedagogically proven and backed by research. It’s really fun and real learning!
Don’t just take our word for it – read what Education Alliance Finland said about Makers Empire.
In addition to our existing library of high-quality teacher resources, easy online training and unparalleled support, we’re also offering South-East Collaborative schools the following:
We think the best way to get to know Makers Empire is to try it yourself with your students. So whether students are learning in the classroom, remotely, or a blended combination, sign up for your free two-month trial of Makers Empire.
Follow the quick start guides for the OC Maker Challenge for teachers and students. This is a great way to be guided through getting set up and using Makers Empire. The student guide is helpful for parents and students learning at home.
Reach out if you need an extra hand. We’re here to help you succeed! Please contact Rayan Nathan, VP of US Sales for help getting set up, personalized training, tips or any queries regarding purchasing Makers Empire.
Request your personalised Makers Empire quotation for your school today and get up to 20% off a Makers Empire plan for teachers and students at your school.
Use the code ‘NCAIS’ when requesting a quotation to qualify for this discount.
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